Passwords and secret.

People that are in the IT Business usually have some sort of un-guessable “master” password that they use as answer for all security questions and it can’t be bruteforced. However, normal users did not catch on to this little trick that I will explain below. First of all, A master password is something that should …

Passwords and secret. Read More »

Openstack and Iscsi

Dear Readers, My own datacenter had to go into ‘dark’ mode, because of imminent maintenance on the power-source. This has led me to shutdown all VM’s on my network, then shut down the openstack compute nodes and finally openstack the physical machine. (in that order). When the openstack nodes bootted again, one isolated test-compute/storage-node named …

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What Satellite is still lacking in features that would make it even more excellent.

This post I am going to talk about what RHEL Satellite is still lacking and why that is a big deal. Implementing it would probably mean even heavier specs for the RHEL server thats running satellite, but I still think they would be valuable add-ons for Satellite. Puppet Database (puppetdb). Remote Execution (planned in 6.2) …

What Satellite is still lacking in features that would make it even more excellent. Read More »